Vendors / Publishers / Printers associated with NEWMAN POST CARD CO.
Vendors / Publishers / Printers associated with NEWMAN POST CARD CO.
Below you will find an alphabetical listing of those printers publishers/Vendors that were associated with NEWMAN Post Card Co. The postcards
in all the check lists found in this documentatiom of Newman Post Card Co. have the backs styles that are identified as NEWMAN'S work.
It must be noted that many of the cards do not have NEWMANS name on them, but the back style is his work. If cards are found that do not have
the defined NEWMAN backs styles, or his name, they are not in the listings.
" PLEASE CHECK YOUR COLLECTION for cards marked UNK " If you have information / revisions to add to this Checklist-Contact Walt at
NOTICE: This Reference list for NEWMAN Postcard Co. is for individual personal use only - Use & Reproduction (Including scans) of this
listing for business purposes, or links will require Walt's written permission.
(n.) F. A. Alderman, Santa Cruz, Cal.
(a.) Boyd & Lytle Drug Co., Elsinore, Cal.
(i.) I. L. Maduro, Jr., Panama
(f.) Mrs. J. T. Noisat
(g.) Pasadena, Cal.
(g.) Photo furnished by Shaffers Studio
(g.) Pin Ton Company
(p.) Portland Postcard Co. (Newman not shown)
(r.) E. L. Redding, La Jolla, Cal.
(l.) " Sacramento "has the largest Capitol Park in the world "
(g.) W. Ray. Simpson
(d.) Steinhauser & Eaton
(k.) Truedson Drug Co., Puyallup, Wn.
(v.) Van Ornum Colorprint
(j.) Vaughn & Merrill Co,, Tacoma, Wash., by N. P. CC.
(e.) Webb Drug
(w.) Chas. Weidner San Francisco. Cal.
(c.) W. Wiedeman
(b.) F. W. Wiesseman, Santa Ana, Cal.
(h.) P. Rasmusssen, Los Gatos, Cal.
(s.) E. J. Strong, Albuquerque, N. M.
Copyright Walt Kransky 1989 - 2921