Hal Empie PostCard Checklist
Hal Empie PostCard Checklist

CREDITS: Walt has been collecting these wonderful cards for over 50 years. Please Enjoy! Please advise of any additions or corrections you wish to contribute to this check lists. contact Walt at: wrsky@att.net
NOTICE: The checklists are for individual personal use only - Use & Reproduction (Including scans) of this listing for business purposes require Walt's written permission. Links to this page will also require Walt's Permission. You can contact him at wrsky@att.net
A short Biography about Hart Haller "HAL" EMPIE
A short Biography about Hart Haller "HAL" EMPIE
Born in Safford, Arizona, 1909, three years prior to Arizona statehood, born in a one room-adobe, with a dirt floor, near the Gila River. In his young days he did allot of hunting, fishing and trapping along the river. Married, 1929 to Louise Reinhardt, who was his friend that lived nearby. He completed his education with a Pharmacology Degree, which helped him acquire the Duncan Arizona Drug Store where he had worked since 1933.
His real passion was art, which helped him through school while working at the Best Drug Store in Safford. Some of his art was a tropical scene in poster paint on the mirror behind the soda fountain. He started to draw his famous cards and sold hundreds and they soon spread all over. He would always paint from memory, even though taking a sketchbook with him on his many forays. His intimate knowledge of the local flora, people, Indians and fauna allowed him to illustrate them in his many cards and drawings. Today at over 90 years Hal Empie lives with his wife Louise and paints in Tubac, Arizona. In November 1953, Al Fenn wrote about Empie: "The Most Noticeable thing about him, was his impish grin and red hair. He'd crack a joke, then give a sidelong glance, eyes twinkling, waiting for a laugh.
Credit: Some edited information is from an article by: Paula Marie Sercy.
His wife died April 26, 2001. PS: Have been advised that Hal Empie died at 93 years, on March, 2002. Is survived by three children and 12 grand-children.
NOTE: See this website for a more detailed biography etc. of HAL EMPIE