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Charles Weidner / Goeggel & Weidner Photo Postcard Check List

SUGGESTED CODE DEFINITIONS that can be used in this check list: 

(*)=Denotes Change,

U=Used, G=Good, M=Mint, R=Replace, P=Poor, PNP=Photo not Postcard,

UND=Undivided back, WOF=Written on Front, WOB=Written on back,

EMB=Embossed, B/W or B&W=Black & White, PH/RP=Photo, BC=Bent Corners,

ADV=Advertising, PMOF=Postmark on front, MP=Misprint, MF=Multifold

DPO=Dead Post Office Cancel, RPO=Railroad Post Office Cancel,

(?)=Question, OTN=Other Number, UNK=Unknown, SEP=Sepia,

GL=Glitter, GG=Goeggel & Weidner, HC=Hand Colored, NN=No Number,

DB=Different Divided back, ROATW=Road of a Thousand Wonders,

SB=Stampbox-XXXX, pmkd=Post Markedxxxx, C:/cy:=Copyright, CY=Cyanid,

()=Added notes, (___)=Used for inventory, OV=Oval, MW=More Words,

SN=Seen-do not have, LN=City/State Unknown, H=Horizontal, V=Vertical,

GR=Glaser (Autochromelogo), PNC=Pacific Novelty,

ST=Stengel(embossed type), NPPC=Newman Postcard Co., AM=Album Marks,

SV/MV=Multi/Split views, SOB=Stains on back, TT=Tinted.

NOTE: Location is San Francisco California if not shown. All are divided back if "UND" not shown.

NOTICE: This Reference list for Charles Weidner is for individual personal use only-Use & Reproduction (Including scans) of this listing 

for business/link purposes will require Walt's written permission. Walt can be contacted at "" Please email Walt with any corrections as well.

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